
Recordar: Kingdom of Heaven (Ridley Scott/2005)

Não sei o que acham... eu venero. O filme, a sua estória e a História que lhe dá o mote, fazem com que o veja sempre com o encanto eterno de quem respeita muito os Muçulmanos e de quem consegue olhar para além daquilo que foram as Cruzadas. E sobretudo, porque nunca é demais recordar Saladino. 

"I'm agnostic, so the character in the film was written as agnostic because we felt it was an interesting way to go. You can then openly discuss doubts about religion. You can have one very strong person in it - the Hospitaler (played by David Thewlis). He is so devout about his own religion that he's comfortable sitting listening to Balian's doubts. He just talks about being a good man on a daily basis, and says that's the beginning of religion."

Sir Ridley Scott para o The Guardian

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