A W Magazine dedica a sua edição de Outubro à "realeza". The New Royals é o título do editorial que junta nomes de vários quadrantes da cultura norte-americana actual. Figuras da música, da moda, da sociedade e do cinema/televisão, de veteranos experientes a estrelas em ascensão, têm em comum o facto de "reinarem"
A autora do artigo Lynn Hirschberg escreveu: “In the world of W, being royal is about accomplishment, creativity, and a certain flair. It is an earned title rather than an accident of birth; a pedigree born of talent, hard work, and charisma. For our second annual Royals issue, we have brought together a cast that shines in the intertwined fields of Hollywood, society, music, and fashion. In each category, we’ve crowned a classic and a new Royal: two people at different points in their lives who embrace the same standard of greatness and originality in their area of expertise.”
Allison Williams |
Benicio Del Toro |
Jamie Lee Curtis |
Claire Danes |
Greta Gerwig |
Julianne Moore |
Adam Driver
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