
Daniel Craig por Rankin | GQ Austrália. Novembro 2015

Para promover Spectre, Daniel Craig foi o convidado de honra da edição de Novembro da GQ australiana. As fotografias dão de Rankin - o responsável pelo artwork oficial do filme. 
Para a revista, Craig falou sobre o trabalho com Sam Mendes e a sua relação com o universo Bond. O actor disse:  “When I first started these movies I didn’t know any better–I was naive and didn’t worry about a great deal, I just got on with it (...) As they went on, the pressure built. People thought Casino would bomb, it was a massive success and they were like, ‘What are you going to do now?’ Quantum, OK, it was difficult and a huge amount of pressure, but then Skyfall, again, ‘what are you going to do now?’ Well, we got Sam (Mendes, director) on board and it suddenly became a bit easier…

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